Explore the vast and impactful world of digital transaction technology
If you’ve been in tune with industry news lately, you’ve likely noticed a buzz around the digital real estate transaction. Blockchain technology is being splashed across headlines and is being interwoven into business conversations and industry education more each day.
In fact, Elm Street Academy recently facilitated conversations around this topic by hosting a two-part webinar series featuring a variety of industry experts to educate the industry on blockchain, crypto, NFT, Metaverse, bitcoin, DeFi, and Web 3, and what to be aware of in regards to the digital real estate transaction.
Blockchain technology isn’t making its way across headlines and through educational experiences just to create a buzz. There is a reason why it’s getting so much attention! Until fairly recently, we hadn’t seen any significant digital real estate transaction activity. Now, we are starting to see more cryptocurrencies emerging into the transaction space, offering new solutions for transactional management, information sharing, and consumer interaction. Blockchain technology also made its presence known in the industry when a home in Tampa was recently billed as the first home in the US to be sold as an NFT.
There is still a significant amount of room for the development of the application of digital currencies in real estate, and there are many benefits for investors, sellers, buyers, renters, and the industry as a whole. While real estate is often thought of as a relationship-based business, built through hand-shakes, commonalities, and a shared sense of value, the way the transaction is processed doesn’t lend the same needs. The transaction can be handled in a variety of advanced ways, with blockchain technologies at the forefront.
In the second edition of the Blockchain and Its Impact on Real Estate webinar series hosted by Elm Street Academy, a few incredibly bright minds gathered to share their diverse set of perspectives and knowledge on what we already know, what we need to know, and how we can be best prepared.
Become part of the conversation by tuning into this 1-hour, FREE on-demand webinar. Matt Fagiolio, moderator of the Blockchain and Its Impact on Real Estate Series (Operating Partner, BKG™) spoke with Teresa Grobecker (CEO, Real Estate Consortia ), Chris Tamm (CEO, Ownership Financial and Managing Partner, Cast Services), Sam DeBord (CEO, Real Estate Standards Organization), and Mark Thomas (Co-Founder & CEO, Zen Sports).
As we learn about these technological advancements that impact the industry, it can be easy to become overwhelmed with information, as well as to be skeptical. Sam DeBord said, “We don’t have to be 100% skeptical. There are really big opportunities, but we should bring skepticism forward. This is the conversation we should be having in the early stages.” Every real estate professional needs to keep learning and keep asking questions so they are prepared and are able to take advantage of the opportunities that do arise.
Although we are in the early stages of understanding exactly how blockchain technology will impact the real estate industry, what we do know is that it will!
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